St. Michael's Formation Committee is dedicated to providing an opportunity to learn, grow and form a lasting relationship with God. Programs provided through the Formation Committee are Baptism Preparation, First Communion, CCD, Back to School Picnic, Children's Liturgy of the Word, RCIA for adults, Confirmation Preparation, Formation Committee, the Halloween Fun-Fest, Youth Group START and Adult Bible study.
Our purpose is to prepare parents and godparents for the celebration of the Baptism of their child.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
To nurture our children in the practice and participation of the Catholic faith, including Sacramental preparation.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
Preparing our youth who are in second grade to receieve the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Communion.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
To provide our children with an age appropriate experience of the Liturgy of the Word on a weekly baisis.
Contact: Cindee Middleton
To provide our children with an opportunity to get together in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere before the CCD year begins.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
To provide adults with the opportunity to learn about our Catholic Tradition and bring them into full communion of the Catholic faith. To foster and promote the church's understanding of stewardship as a way of life, by providing opportunities for parishioners to share their gifts.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
To prepare children for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation as is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace and initiation into the Church.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
START is a youth group for newly confirmed Catholics. They are really just STARTing the Catholic journey.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
The goal of the Formation Committee is to be responsible for the on-going education and formation of the entire parish, adults as well as children.
To provide adults with Scripture scholarship, enhancing their understanding and faith formation, in the image of Christ.
Contact: Gilly Simpson
To provide a safe, fun experience for the children in the Parish during the Halloween season.
Contact: Gilly Simpson 502-303-6196
The ministry includes a variety of programs intended to bring the couple into an understanding of the sacramentality of the marriage relationship.
Contact: Chasity and Bill Livers