Parish Life is dedicated to providing new and engaging ministries for St. Michael's Church. Directed by Jean Riggs, the Parish Life committee is always looking for volunteers to give time and talents to engage the parishioners of St. Michaels. They have hosted several events such as the Baby Bottle Campaign, Coat-A-Thon, Community Outreach, Church Event Planning, Fundraising, Hospitality, Senior's Monthly Lunch, Stewardship, and the Valentine Dance Committee. Please contact Jean for volunteer opportunities.
Contact Parish Office: 502-252-0106
To live the gospel of Christ reaching outside our membership to benefit the New Life Center Family Services in Bardstown.
Contact: Jean Riggs
The prupose of Event Planning and Fundraising is to provide a means of offering to the Parish social events for the purpose of raising funds.
Contact: Jean Riggs
The "Warm the Heart" Coat-a-Thon is a community outreach to help people in the area who may be in need of a warm winter coat.
Contact: Jean Riggs
When notice is received, a get well card (or thinking of you card) is sent to a parishioner, due to illness, surgery, accident or hardship.
Contact: Julie Carter
St. Michael's Parish will participate in a variety of Archdiocese of Louisville charitable groups to better serve our brothers and sisters in need. The Parish will also strive to be a supportive and caring part of the local community.
Contact: Jean Riggs
Ministers who greet parishioners at the door of the Church as a sign of welcome to the Eucharistic Assembly.
Contact: Jean Riggs
The purpose is to encourage social interaction among community members and to meet new members of the Parish and community.
Contact: Jean and Freddy Jury
502-827-2896 or 502-827-4482
To provide a meal and hospitality to those who hace lost a loved one on the day of the funeral celebration.
Contact: Jean Riggs
It is our belief that we, as Catholics, use our time, talents and material possessions in the service of God.
Contact: Jean Riggs
This is a major fundraiser for St. Michael's Parish and an opportunity for us to welcome possible new members to our Church, and to share the ministries and activities offered at St. Michael's.
Contact: Jean Riggs
To notice when new people are coming to St. Michael's on a regular basis. Encourage them to become an active member of the Parish.
Contact: Julia Phillips